(11) 4130-8051 Avenida Paulista, 2.073, sala 116, Bloco Horsa I, São Paulo (Headquarter)
(12) 3878-4266 - Avenida Cassiano Ricardo, 601, cj. 61-63, São José dos Campos.
Full list of press interviews

To assist you in your search for legal information, here are some interviews given to the press, in portuguese, by Paulo Ladeira.
*Interview given to Revista Apólice in April 2021:
In case of Divorce, who gets the health plan (click here).
*Interview given to the Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law in September; 2018:
*Interview given to TV Aparecida in February 2018:
*Interview given in May 2015 to Tempo de Mulher website (original link offline, I lost my copy of this interview). Title: Married or Separated?
*Interview given in March 2015 to Jornal do Trem/Folha do Bus (original link offline, pdf saved):
The particularities of child support;(click here)
*Interview given in December 2014 to Tempo de Mulher website (original link offline, I lost my copy of this interview). Title: Lawyer answers some questions about child support
*Interview given in August 2014 to the Band's AreaH website (original link offline, pdf saved):
Do you need to pay alimony to your ex?;(click here)
*Interview given in February 2014 in Jornal da Band:
*Interview given in February 2014 to the website Tempo de Mulher (original link offline, pdf saved):
Lawyer answers some questions about child support (click here).
*Interview with UOL in September 2013:
Know what to do if you are left at the altar like Valdirene from 'Amor à Vida' (click here)